Wall St. Experienced, Unbiased Penny Stock Newsletter
Average Peak Gain
102.45% |
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All Of Our Past Stock Picks Are On Our Performance Page
Shane and Marie welcome you to FalconStocks! FalconStocks now owns the best penny stock picks record of any newsletter online that we've found. Real, low-priced stocks to buy under $5.00 - 95%+ are listed on a major exchange. We are family-run in the U.S.A. Unlike most penny stock websites, we are not paid to pick a stock and never have been. We don't own shares. We are 100% UNBIASED. We never profit off of the penny stock picks we publish, our readers do. The better they do, the better we do. Period. We find REAL companies with great stories; they are just small, cheap and undiscovered. Let us impress you with completely unbiased research that's honest.
All Of Our Past Stock Picks Are On Our Performance Page
View a Recent Penny Stock Pick Report
We post a new stock pick ($0.50 to $5.00) each week. A full research report on each stock is included. These are not shell companies or hyped, pumped penny schemes. These are not day-trading picks or thinly traded - they're real companies, most profitable or reaching profitability, just undervalued. Over 95%
of our picks are listed on
either the New York Stock
Exchange, the NYSE American
(the old American Stocks
Exchange) or NASDAQ.

We are a contributing author to these sites:
Our Offer: Honesty. Integrity. Diligence.
- The Best Penny Stock Picks record of any website or newsletter.
- A family business, right here in the USA, no pretending like others.
- Two founders and a half-dozen colleagues still working at Wall Street firms.
- Colleagues include Institutional Traders, Syndicate and Research Managers.
- We do not advertise. We don't have to. No Spam. Nothing else to sell.
- 20 years experience on trading floors and research.
- We will not automatically charge for renewals. That's unethical and dishonest.
- Our best penny
stocks to buy and full research
reports. No hype, no spin.

Only FalconStocks Research:
- 30-point fundamental and technical scans plus our experience.
- Following dozens of social media trading platforms
to spot trends and 100's of blogs and news sites.
- Over 90% of our picks picks are listed on the NYSE, AMEX or NASDAQ.
Subscribe Here & Start Today!
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"Out of all of the penny stock picks services I subscribe to, Falcon has made me the most. By far."
-London, U.K.
"You guys are spot-on at least 90% of the time. Whatever system you use or research you do, it's amazing."
-Cleveland, GA